Become an official dealer

Do you also want to sell our collection or part of it in your store or webshop?


Then fill in the form below. We will contact you as soon as possible

I want to sell the Fab87 collection via:

Official dealers

Fab87 for sale at Ivickzudreadz hair & beauty studio. Here you can buy a small part of the collection. if it is not hanging in the store, you can order it via the webshop. If you find it easier to pick up your order in the store, you can pass this on as a comment with your order. Then we'll make sure it's ready for you in the store

Sandtlaan 36 2223 GG Katwijk

Unit E2i


opening hours:

tuesday to Friday  09:00 - 17:00

saturday  10:00 - 15:00